
The terms of reference of the Board of the PG School has approved by the Senate include the following:

  1. To consider and decide on recommendations from Faculty Boards relating to:
    i. admission and registration of students for higher degrees and Postgraduate Diplomas;
    ii. approval of general fields of study and nomination of supervisors;
    iii. approval of titles of theses and dissertations relating to M.Phil./Ph.D.
    iv.  approval of the appointment of internal and external examiners;
    v.  report the decisions of the Board from time-to-time to Senate for ratification
    vi.  recommend to Senate, on the advice of Faculty Board, candidates for the award of higher degrees or postgraduate diplomas
    vii. advise on the interpretation of the regulations governing higher degrees and postgraduate diploma courses in the University
    viii. collate the teaching programmes, available courses and examinations for PG students, including the publication of examination time-table;
    ix.  undertake the publication of:
        Prospectus of PG Studies
      Annual Reports of PG work including Titles and Abstracts of Theses and Dissertations accepted for higher degrees.
    x.   review from time-to-time, the wider objectives of PG studies and training in the University in the light of development here and elsewhere and make recommendations to Senate.
  2. To promote PG research and training in the University.
  3. To review annually and report to Senate on the development of PG studies in the University.